Apr 22, 2021 | Liam McEvoy
Marked by over one billion people in 192 countries around the world, Earth Day is an annual event designed to shine a light on the serious environmental problems we’re facing, from the climate crisis to air pollution and deforestation to biodiversity and the loss of vital ecosystems.
The theme for Earth Day 2021 is ‘Restore our Earth’, therefore the focus will be on not only reducing our impact on the planet as we recover from the effects of Covid-19, but also on how we can repair the damage we’ve done. Kathleen Rogers, President of the Earth Day Network says “We must look at natural processes, green technologies, and innovative thinking that can make a lasting and transformative impact to restore our Earth.”
At SustainIQ, we believe technology is a critical solution-enabler and has a vital role to play, particularly within businesses, if we are to achieve the impact required. Technology is rapidly changing how we live, work and communicate with each other. As the proportion of the world’s population living in urbanized areas increases to an estimated 66% by 2050, so too does the demand for energy, waste and water systems, putting pressure on our cities to adapt and become smarter. Roads, buildings, people and utilities all coming together as one, utilising and integrating the intelligence that comes from big data.
One of the advantages tech can provide for businesses is transparency. We know that businesses haven’t always acted responsibility but things are starting to change, and tech has a role to play in that. Tech can accelerate and simplify that change by increasing the visibility of sustainability performance within businesses. The valuable data stored within businesses can be unearthed and used to inform strategy, ensuring more responsible decisions are taken that benefit the environment, society and also the economy. Growing numbers of customers, suppliers, employees and members of the public expect companies to be more transparent when it comes to sustainability, hence the need for more and better data.
Our aim is to help our customers take a more data-driven approach to business. The data our system gathers increases transparency, providing insights across their procurement and supply chains, environmental and people management and social impact; shining a light on their strengths and uncovering weaknesses so they can be dealt with effectively. They then use the data to establish baselines, putting in place strong foundations and the building blocks required to inform their strategies, develop objectives, targets and KPIs. This in turn facilitates bench-marking across the businesses, enabling them to look forensically at their sustainability performance and to measure, monitor and report on their progress.
With a growing awareness of and engagement in the UN Sustainable Development Goals from businesses, we are starting to see more organisations embrace tech and innovation to help address some of the world’s biggest social and environmental challenges. They are starting to
understand their role and the positive impact they can have.
On this Earth Day, do you know what socio-economic impact your business has through its procurement choices? Do you know the environmental footprint of your operations? Do you know what impact your business has on the communities in which it operates? If not, why not? Is Kathleen Rogers right in believing that green technologies are part of the solution to help us achieve sustainability and restore our earth? We think so and we’re proud to play our small part in supporting that transformation.

Now in use on over 500 sites across the UK and Ireland, SustainIQ’s client base goes beyond Northern Ireland and beyond the construction sector including clients in the FMCG and Transport sectors amongst others.