Sept 05, 2022 | sustainliam

Interactive lunch-time webinar that develops understanding about ESG and sustainability reporting in Irish construction.
About this event
With the introduction of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in Europe Union (EU) countries and the rapidly increasing impetus for ESG reporting from both private and public sector clients, pressure to report on ESG and sustainability is increasing for Irish construction.
Moreover, PQQs and tender submissions are consistently and increasingly requesting companies to prove green credentials with ESG and sustainability policies and strategies that are supported by data. For large contractors and construction companies, capturing that data and accurately reporting on it can be a logistical nightmare.
Why attend this webinar?
Tailored toward Irish contractors, this webinar will provide a deeper understanding to those looking to scale up reporting capabilities on:
- Why you need to capture ESG data
- What information needs to be captured and by who
- How to capture the information across multiple sites
- How to use the data to drive business improvement
- How to report ESG performance
By the end of this session, you will have a better grasp on not only what is required, but how to get started immediately on improving your internal reporting capabilities.
What you get:
- Free webinar delivery and advice direct from our experienced consultants
- Copy of the PowerPoint slides and a full recording of the presentation
- A copy of our 6 Step Guide to Success in ESG & sustainability reporting
- The offer of a free 15-minute ESG clinic with our team
Join us free on the 12th October 2022. Sign up today.