Jan 07, 2022 | sustainliam

In 2021, COP26 took centre-stage in Q4, highlighting the impact the climate crisis is having on our world, and how governments across the globe are stepping up regulation to encourage sustainable business.
As we move into 2022, it is already apparent that this is truly the year that effective environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy becomes a real strategic priority.
With the UK Government confirming that they will require organisations to report more regimentally on non-financial related disclosures such as climate concerns in 2021, there is now a commercial pressure on businesses.
Moreover, in the construction industry, tenders are more frequently requiring data that highlights the positive socio-economic and environmental that firms have brought to both past projects, and the projects for which they are tendering.
Sustainable development and ESG are no longer "nice things to have" - they are commercially essential, and in this session, we'll sit down with commercial directors from leading construction firms across the UK, showing you how they are leveraging the power of good ESG to win business and dominate the market.
Join us on the 26th January for this lunchtime session - one not to be missed.