Jun 14, 2022 | Conal Love
SustainIQ is delighted to welcome new customer Combined Facilities Management (CFM) onboard.
CFM provides tailor-made services to a wide range of clients which enable the effective and seamless day-to-day running of property assets and infrastructure. They have a long established and proven history in the delivery of total facilities management encompassing all trades, reactive and planned preventative maintenance.
They directly employ a large, multi-skilled workforce and have invested in innovated digital solutions to plan, target and deliver services across the industry.
SustainIQ is delighted to partner with CFM to help support them on their sustainability journey.
CFM recently launched their new 10-year Moon Shot, “Vivid Vision”, at the core of which is their commitments toward supporting people, maintaining, and regenerating places and protecting the planet.
The strategy focuses on perfect align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) 7, 8 & 11 – Affordable & Clean Energy, Decent Work & Economic Growth and Sustainable Cities & Communities.
They continue to engage with stakeholders to introduce their strategy, highlighting the importance and focus on health and safety, sustainability, and quality performance in the 10 years ahead.
As outlined in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, “Together”, CFM are committed to delivering on a range of ESG goals, measuring success across 3 key pillars – People, Planet and Place.
They aim to ensure that their services continue to provide opportunities across all communities in which they work, protect the environment, maintain and uphold quality while contributing towards charitable partners & third sector development.
Joe Keenan, Managing Director of CFM, said, “At Combined Facilities Management, we’re levelling up our approach to ESG & sustainability by implementing a strategy with real impact, working towards net zero, but also building upon our net positive commitments and supporting people and places whilst we work to protect the planet”.
“Working with SustainIQ, we’re using the power of data and technology to support the success of our strategy, ensuring we’re identifying opportunities where they exist and acting quickly to seize them to maximise our sustainable performance”.
“We’re looking forward to working with SustainIQ in the years ahead to measure our performance and fine tune our reporting with the help of their all-in-one solution”.
SustainIQ Customer Success Manager, Sarah Baird, added, “I am delighted to be working closely with CFM throughout our onboarding process”.
“CFM’s commitments are truly market-leading, and the data coming through SustainIQ clearly exhibits their real commitment to this strategic approach to sustainability”.
“As the momentum of this 10-year commitment and strategy grows, I am looking forward to working with CFM to ensure that they get the most from their data, identify the best opportunities and achieve their long-term goals, all supported by the all-in-one reporting from SustainIQ”.
Click here to read more about CFM’s CSR commitments on their website. Read about their Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ) commitments here.

At Combined Facilities Management, we’re levelling up our approach to ESG & sustainability by implementing a strategy with real impact, working towards net zero, but also building upon our net positive commitments and supporting people and places whilst we work to protect the planet.
Working with SustainIQ, we’re using the power of data and technology to support the success of our strategy, ensuring we’re identifying opportunities where they exist and acting quickly to seize them to maximise our sustainable performance.