Dec 19, 2023 | RACHAEL ANDREW
As 2023 comes to an end, at SustainIQ we are proud to mark the end of another year of our partnership with SolarAid, an organisation dedicated to bringing light to the lives of 590 million people in sub-Saharan Africa living without electricity.
As we continue to work with clients to support them on their sustainability & ESG journeys, our partnership with SolarAid ensures we are also playing our part in resolving climate injustice in the world by supporting those most vulnerable to the impacts.
We are delighted to continue our support and renew our partnership with SolarAid for another year, further building our own social impact and addressing climate injustice.
What is SolarAid?
SolarAid is an international charity founded in 2006 to combat poverty and climate change. Through their social enterprise SunnyMoney, SolarAid provide access to solar lights in Malawi and Zambia to help promote growth of solar markets with renewable light.
In many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, a lack of access to electricity leads individuals to rely on non-conventional and often hazardous sources of light, such as kerosene lamps or other chemicals. SolarAid's initiative brings about a transformative change in these communities by introducing solar lights. This not only enhances the quality of life but also mitigates the risks associated with traditional lighting methods.
Through their efforts, SolarAid plays a crucial role in creating positive, lasting change in the lives of those living without reliable access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our partnership
Our commitment to better business practices aligns with the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UNSDGs), particularly SDG 7, which aims to ensure universal access to affordable and clean energy. Recognising our responsibility within the framework of ESG considerations, we understand the need to extend our commitment beyond individual business goals. Supporting SolarAid serves as a form of social offsetting for carbon emissions of our own operations, such as the running of our servers.
Moreover, by eliminating the use of kerosene lamps and other harmful chemicals, SolarAid's initiatives not only improve the lives of individuals in sub-Saharan Africa but also play a crucial role in emission reduction and therefore our offsetting. Their efforts encourage the development of renewable infrastructure, facilitating a transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. This comprehensive approach contributes significantly to carbon emissions reduction, fostering a greener and more environmentally responsible future.
This impactful work then addresses systemic issues associated with climate injustice. Through the promotion of sustainable energy solutions, SolarAid contributes to the resolution of overarching challenges tied to poverty, climate change, and the detrimental effects of non-renewable energy sources.
A donation of £1500 will result in 100 solar lights reaching 532 people, with 378 currently using dangerous, toxic and poor sources of light. This will lead to total savings of $12.6k a year, with 444 people feeling safer at home and 93 more children studying after dark. It is estimated that our donations could lead to a reduction of 7.5 tonnes of tCO2e*.

How can I support SolarAid?
There are several ways you can support SolarAid. If the cause particularly resonates with you, you may consider making a Christmas donation to them directly, which you can do here. If you want to make a monthly donation, SolarAid will match it for the first 6 months.
If you want to know what your donation will provide, SolarAid have a calculator here, allowing you to understand the full impact of your support. There are also events, partnerships and fundraising which happen throughout the year, all of which you can learn about here.

*Crude calculation based on the following assumptions:
- A solar light lasts for 5 years.
- Each solar light distribution by SolarAid currently averts 75 g of carbon over 5 years.
- 13 solar lights would avert 1 tonne of CO2 e based on 5 year lifespan.
- It currently costs SolarAid £15 to distribute one solar light.

A donation of £1500 will result in 100 solar lights reaching 532 people, with 378 currently using dangerous, toxic and poor sources of light. This will lead to total savings of $12.6k a year, with 444 people feeling safer at home and 93 more children studying after dark. It is estimated that our donations will lead to a reduction of 7.5 tonnes of tCO2e*.